More than 2,000 homes per year report a breaking and entering occurrence in Ottawa. That’s a lot to be concerned about! Do you know what areas of your home are most vulnerable and how burglars commonly gain access? Find out here what the most common ways burglars break into homes and how you can better protect yourself.
Garage Door
Many people leave their garage doors unlocked. However, even if your garage does not provide immediate access to your home, you should still leave the doors and windows secured. Your garage likely houses valuable tools and equipment that could also be used to assist a burglar with breaking into your home.
Sliding Glass Door
Not all sliding glass doors come with adequate locking mechanisms. All it takes is a crowbar to slide one of these doors open. If you’re unable to add new advanced locking devices to the door, be sure to set up an alarm system and place heavy rods in the tracks to ward off burglars.
Basement Windows
Burglars also look for entrance areas that are well hidden from peering eyes. This is why they often access a home through a basement window. All it takes is a brick or heavy rock to break the glass and enter. So you might want to consider equipping your basement windows with window alarms and motion-censored lighting. Also, it’s a good idea to keep the area clear of any debris that can be used to hide behind.
They Walk Right In
Burglars know where to look to find those “hidden keys.” Instead of hiding keys in bushes, pots, or underneath rugs and decks, it’s best to install a keyless entry lock. An internet-enabled webcam can also provide real-time monitoring of your front door and work in tandem with the locking mechanism to provide around-the-clock security and ease of use.
Don’t leave your home vulnerable to thieves. At Bee Alarmed, we specialize in equipping residential and commercial properties with advanced security tools to keep your belongings and family safe. We believe in offering complete security and peace of mind at any budget. Learn more about what we offer and how you can get a free consultation today!